Friday, April 23, 2010

laughter and food, in healthy doses

means pictures in heavy doses. scroll down at own risk.

yujia treated us to lunch at Che Go, a korean bbq restaurant at sunway pyramid (duh...), and it was gooood, almost heavenly. it was so nice that even the bad lighting from these photos -- that sorta ruined them -- is not stopping me from drooling and craving for more. i dont know most of the names of these dishes as i was busy taking photos of them!

see rita's eager face?

kimchi soup? what's the name of this marvellous soup har?

appetizers/side dishes. they'll gladly top-up for you if you asked, and i love the brinjal(eggplants?) with onions so much, i would kidnap the chef if i could. *smirks*

barbecued marinated somethings (definitely not beef and pork, Che Go is halal)

fabulous korean pancake! my fave, hands down!

seafood korean fried rice, i reckon? since there are prawns and scallops and cuttlefish.

bibimbap! what's korean food without these heavenlies?

yujia looks drunk. too much green tea? hah.

girls + mirror + camera = this, and a few others that didnt make the cut. heh

after that, it was time for ice cream! or frozen yogurt, at kindori. the lighting there was much better, but still not quite perfect. but these made up for it though, big time!

my passion fruit and yujia's black sesame

rita and her new-found happiness, coconut frozen yogurt.

kinta was too full to even talk, so she didnt have ice cream, or frozen yogurt.

oh, and i wore this dress that kinta gave me for my birthday, cinched with an elastic-clasp belt from an f21 skirt. the colours of this dress just puts a smile to my face X) with the f21 double finger dove ring that i got on monday and random rose rings.

one more thing! we saw a cat exhibition too! i just looove cats, so one picture wont hurt, right?

thanks kinta for taking my posey-posey pictures, rita for being my happy-face portrait target, and of course, YUJIA for treating us to such a wonderful meal! love you girls so much!

ehhhhh psychological testing lab report! help *gasp*

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