Tuesday, November 15, 2011


saturday was my bachelor's degree graduation. am still sifting through the too-few pictures that dad took -- blame it on me, my bad time organization led me to rush from collecting my graduation gown and tickets to changing and make up in an hour which left no time for photographs with friends. meanwhile, i leave you this blurred photo of me on stage with our chancellor and the monash logo and slogan, ancora imparo.
i haz big mouse earz.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

obsessed about dresses now, especially those with minimalist shapes and colours constructed with soft, flowy fabric. it makes accessorizing more fun and exciting! oh and empty picture frames too, which i think has something to do with working at a photo studio.

images from thesartorialist; stockholmstreetstyle, and studdedhearts

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

keeping grounded

working has been eventful, showing developed photographs to customers and see them smile made me smile too. i received my first paycheck of my entire life and am so happy, although it is not much, and have returned mum the money i borrowed from her while graduation-dress-shopping at topshop the other day. spent a bomb on the 2 dresses that i have no regret for (i couldnt decide which to buy for graduation so mum and him decided that i should buy both and decide at home), and have decided which pair of heels and accessories to wear with the dress. taking a day off on thursday to get an account for the study loan that i hope i could get to study honours next year, and it makes me think of what thesis i am gonna do. keeping my feet close to the ground and taking baby steps, one at a time.