h&m printed babydoll tunic top, a gift from auntie su
white gold necklace, anniversary gift from, who else? ;)
f21 owl ring that i bought last week
took all these pictures with dad's d60 in exchange for the d90, and since they're all pretty random stuff, here's another picture that i love, for no reason at all. maybe it's the colour combination of the gourd and the dried-out pandan leaves against my study table.

oh, and i did fairly well on the authorship essay, i didnt fail and flop, that is. and i thank andrew for having to go through all the trouble of scrutinizing every comma and full-stop for errors, and for all the wacky commentaries he made on every single page.
why are all my subjects at the right side of the photos?
why are all my subjects at the right side of the photos?
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