Sunday, March 14, 2010

20100225, bali: day 3 "uluwatu", "jimbaran"

(one of the last two places we visited in bali was Uluwatu, famous for its uncontaminated beach surrounded by the cliffs, and was rooted as the most beautiful place to take wedding pictures. and true enough, we did see a couple taking pictures there atop uluwatu. the beauty of uluwatu cannot be described anyway whatsoever, even these photos dont quite do its tremendously captivating scenery any justice.)

on the way to jimbaran for sunset seafood dinner. after such a hot day of beach after beach after beach, it seems that the only logical thing to do to end the whole trip is also having dinner by the beach. having a slight headache due to over-soaking under the sun first from tanah lot, then from gwk, and then dreamland beach where hunk surfers cost me a pair of wet shoe. the naughty monkeys who stole glasses and scrunchies from tourists and then to negotiate them for fruits or boiled eggs at uluwatu temple were cute though. and again, the view atop hill was awesome! the water was so clear you could see the corals at the bottom of the sea (literally!), almost impossible at such a high vantage point.

(click picture to enlarge) to see with your own eyes what we saw at uluwatu, the white bits being the wonderfully intricate corals at the seabed. ah-may-zinggg!

(a sarong was compulsory for all visitors who were wearing shorts above the calf, guys and ladies alike, as it was considered a sacred place. )

hence, papa, in sarong ><

the only time a picture of my sister wearing something close enough to a skirt -- in this case, a sarong -- appearing on my blog, or anywhere else. i love u hui, always!

(the monkeys at uluwatu were so smart! and choosey. this monkey only chose to eat sweet pineapples, we assumed, the not-so-sweet ones were thrown away. heh picky

this particular guy was spitting seeds courteously into a tissue, and then wiping his mouth with it. some humans just need to take hygiene and manners cues from this distant cousin.

a nice laze on a hot afternoon

(this pregnant momma was rather friendly with humans as compared to her more ferocious scrunchy-stealing counterparts. and as a reward, she gets a treat and pat from a group of beautiful local balinese maidens. X) )

(after coming down from the scenic uluwatu, we made our way to jimbaran for our much awaited sunset-seafood dinner by the beach.)

dinner on the beach with sand in our feet, wind in our hair and sweat on our faces, accompanied by the setting sun, was unforgettable. although mum was not quite well to savour the sweet taste of the sea with us, it was still fulfilling (and filling). acapella choir singing to diners add so much more of a romantic touch to it, it's hard not to be mesmerized by the hard work that all these people put into making beach-side seafood dining memorable for us. i can still in my tongue taste the saltiness of the prawn cooked in garlic, my favourite dish of the night.

the colours of the sky amidst the setting sun of bali

saw a little girl walking around traffic knocking on car windows,singing a tune unfamiliar to me, asking for money. her mother carrying two young children at either side of herself sitting on the road divider begging. no one glances at them. amidst the fast-growing tourism industry, some people of this island are still poverty stricken, and it's too sad to look at.

a little souvenir with the elements of bali

and with that, concluded our trip to bali. although the last night there ended on a rather sad note, but i was still hopeful that one day she, her mother and the younger kids would find a better and safer way to live.

bali was so warm, so welcoming, so hospitable, so amazing, so unpredictable, so beautiful, so wonderful, so magical, so perfect. i would so want to go there again. definitely.

she feels quite sentimental now, after two weeks away from that fantastic little island, the perfect getaway, the beautiful haven.
pics: dad/sis using nikon d60; me, humble canon powershot a620

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