Sunday, October 18, 2009

water, sun, tan, fun and everything in between

since the mines wonderland failed us last week, we think they closed down we decided to celebrate our anniversary this week at sunway lagoon. it was awesome!! i havent been there since god-knows-when, have been in sunway for a year and a half but have never set foot in sunway lagoon. now i have :D

had fun just lazying around planting our butts into the double tubes, splashed water at each other like annoying but cute little kids, attempting to overthrow the other off the tube, squinting our eyes when facing the sun, waddle like ducks trying to get to deeper part of the pool, went up the water slides countless times, two rounds of the niagara falls fume ride, screamed like little girls and cackled like little boys, and people watched. most importantly, we had so much fun.

we even had souvenirs! lame yes i know. but who says lame can't be cool? *grins*

now i m even darker than i was before! but i like to think of it as a tan, healthy and sporty kind of tan, not lindsay-lohan's-bad-tanning-job kind of tan.

ever and always

no more slacking around, exam's just around the corner. she must study, now. or maybe tomorrow. X)

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