Monday, March 9, 2009


yay black nail-polish

please lock me up in a cupboard without any granpa's home-cooked food--
i can't stand the smell of fish curry that's why i had to eat it.
i pity the jelly becoming cold in the fridge that's why i had to eat it.
i heard someone say seaweed soup is good for health that's why i had to drink it.
i thought of the children in Africa starving and consider myself lucky so i had to finish the fruits. guavas and apples(green and red).
--and delicious penang delicacies
i can't stand the smell of char koay tiau that's why i had to eat it as a revenge.
i appreciate Big Apple Doughnut(iceberg) for being so pretty that's why i had to eat it.
i pitied the satay hawker for his tiring work that's why i had to eat them.(4 sticks only lah).

again,yay black nail-polish.i'm happy enough to have you.

oh please ignore my previous goings-on about locking me up in a secluded cupboard away from civilisation(and food),i was not thinking straight.low on sugar:) is it too late for that hot cup of milo?

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