Tuesday, June 7, 2011

perceiving colour

"in march of 1986, the neurologist oliver sacks received an anguished letter from mr. i, who, identifying himself as a 'rather successful artist' described how ever since he had been involved in an automobile accident, he had lost his ability to experience colors, and he exclaimed with some anguish, that "my dog is gray. tomato juice is black. color tv is hodge-podge..."

in the days following his accident, mr. i became more and more depressed. his studio, normally awash with the brilliant colors of his abstract paintings, appeared drab to him, and his paintings meaningless. food, now gray, became difficult for him to look at while eating; and sunsets, once seen as rays of red, had became streaks of black against the sky." 

(cited from goldstein, 2010, p. 202)

interesting little excerpt coming from a science-y sensation and perception textbook perused for psychology revision. loving black and whites currently. maybe it has something to do with the exam period? first paper in exactly a week.

sources: my archives; studdedhearts; dreamcats

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