Tuesday, May 10, 2011

at peace with thyself

i am at this moment in life where everything seems perfect. despite the non-ending assignments (3 major ones in a 7 day period), the scorching hot weather (burnt neck), and that i do not fail to crave for chocolate and ice cream at the weirdest time of the day (think 12am), i love the pace of life i am now going through. an episode of criminal minds or glee during lunch/dinner, hanging out with friends in between classes and assignment submissions, succumbing to the temptation of a half-eaten snickers bar, and taking a nap right before dinner. i can sufficiently say, right here and now, that my last semester of uni life definitely is one worth reminiscing. my friends - old and new - who held me through tough times, who encouraged me not to give up when assignments are killing me, who were there to lend an ear or two when i wanted to rant, who filled my life with laughter throughout the day, noon and night. thanks for everything, everyone!
belated birthday pressie from yujia, with notes all written around the box. thanks yujia! i love it so much :)
this was what was inside the pretty little box :) purse!
peace; from cotton on for only rm2.50. for hope charity. thinking of getting the other 2 designs.
i have no idea why i am all sentimental right now, maybe it's cuz i m leaving my 3 years of degree life in monash behind in just another 2 weeks. 2 weeks, we shall have picnics around campus (instant cup noodles are with me!), we shall have more eat-outs (i still owe you girls a birthday treat!) and fill the remaining weeks with ecstatic joy. shan't we, girls?

the whole day today was joyful, to the brim. ihassnowflakeforsupper, nothingbeatsthat!

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