Monday, August 17, 2009

VPI // call me a storyteller

did a vocational preference inventory (VPI) test during organizational psychology compulsory lecture today. basically it narrows down the possible occupations/vocations preferable for one's interests, based on a questionnaire of yes/no answers for 160 occupation titles. it assesses a person's self-perceptions according to 6 occupational environment, namely - Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, Conventional. then, according to some expertly arranged combination of scores,we calculate our 3 highest arenas in accordance to highest environment 1st, followed by 2nd, and then 3rd.

as predicted, i scored a full 14 /14 from the Artistic arena. but, never would i dream that i would score as highly for Social and Enterprising as well, as i am not a very extroverted person. my combination was ASE - Artistic, Social(?), Enterprising(??)

my (im)possible future vocations are:

u are welcome to click to enlarge

and laugh at the mirage of me in a clown-suit and red nose acting out a comedic somersault scene on stilts, impersonating tyra banks, then attempting to jump off a burning building, all the while convincing myself that all this is illusory and that i can make magic to turn fire into water, and to keep in mind that i need to find my angle and my light to produce a better photograph.

don't bother if u do not understand a word i just said. i'm just a casting director trying to be a stage manager who is a director as well as a producer, floor manager, art director.

maybe the only thing i'll be really really good at is hypnotizing myself into being a variety artist or ventriloquist. if i work hard enough i could excel at being a beautician too. who knows?

she's really impressed at her dramatic imagination. hmmm...she's meant to be a drama teacher perhaps?

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