Tuesday, September 6, 2011

lengzai lenglui

 i have been mia for over 2 weeks, my bad, i know. sorry! would probably get into more action these few days, now just feast your eyes on these kitties, remember them, the brother and sister pair with their mom? 
exactly 3 months after we took these photos, they are now almost grown up! arent they pretty/cute? the one on the right in the first pic is now still on the right, she's a female, so we named her leng lui (pretty girl in direct translation from cantonese), and the other is her brother, leng zai (handsome boy in cantonese)
the first pic was taken on 15th may, the second on 15th august! my sister took both these pics, there's still an entire folder of them in our archives! they are just too cute, and are regulars at our home now.

1 comment:

Ashley/ MILK TEETHS said...

oh my gosh, this is too adorable!!