Sunday, February 7, 2010


now that my lappie's bluetooth is functioning normally again, i think pictures would best describe my sights and thoughts throughout the day than words fully can. feed Faith, spring clean, feed Faith, shop, feed Faith, feed Faith.

how much milk can a one week old kitten drink in a day? we have no idea...she'll (we assume she's a she) suckle till she can suckle no more and sleep. and the routine gets repeated 2-3 hours later. yes, in the middle of the night too. but Faith is too cute to look at, we just cant bear to get mad at her for being such a tough baby to feed -- feeding her takes about 40 minutes at least!


KANG said...

so now still want mimi's baby ????

lynxiu said...

cant le already can die T.T but i wana see:)